
• WATCH HINGE THERAPEUTICS ONLINE WEBINAR FROM NOVEMBER 5th, 2020: “Next Generation Bio-Chemical Image Sensor System for Single Cell Analysis” – Video Link
• WATCH HINGE THERAPEUTICS ONLINE WEBINAR FROM SEPTEMBER 17th, 2020: “Application of CMOS bio-imaging sensors to brain science and drug discovery” – Video Link
• WATCH HINGE THERAPEUTICS ONLINE WEBINAR FROM AUGUST 17th, 2020: “Revealing cellular processes from extracellular ion changes” – Video Link
• WATCH HINGE THERAPEUTICS ONLINE WEBINAR FROM JUNE 25th, 2020: “Multi-ion Bioimaging” Real-Time Visualization of Ions in the Extracellular Environment – Applications in Drug Discovery.” – Video Link
• PRESS RELEASE (April 9, 2020):
Hinge Therapeutics, Inc. announces collaborative agreement with Toyohashi University of Technology to commercialize novel ion imaging technology for Drug Discovery.
Hinge Therapeutics, Inc. based in Los Angeles, CA, today announced an exclusive collaborative agreement and partnership with Japan’s prestigious Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT) to commercialize novel ion imaging technology for drug discovery and diagnostics applications. TUT is supported by OPERA, a program funded by the Japan Society and Technology Agency (JST) to promote joint research and commercialization on industry-academia collaboration. Hinge Therapeutics is the first US entity to participate in the project as an industry partner. – Download the full press release here.
Hinge Therapeutics Futamura CEO interview – SPECTRUM NEWS1
Label-free visualization of cell activity by “Ion Image Sensor” (with English subtitle)
Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan