Natsuhiko Futamura, PhD
Natsuhiko Futamura: CTO of Hinge Therapeutics
Natsuhiko is an expert in bioinformatics, parallel computing, and high-performance computing and serves as Chief Technology Officer at Hinge Therapeutics. Natsuhiko leads the design of the Hinge database and the development of applications of various mathematical approaches, many of which are his own invention. These approaches and unique methodologies provide deeper analytics for the “druggability” of targets and have contributed to the establishment of the Hinge Drug Discovery Platform.
Through the course of his work, Natsuhiko has filed numerous data patents to enable the acceleration of big database interrogation. He also serves as a consultant to Infintebio, and has worked with clients such as Preferred Infrastructure, Carna Biosciences, and Hitachi.
Natsuhiko was an Associate Professor in Computer Science and Engineering at Wright State University, Ohio. Natsuhiko holds a BS in Mathematics from Waseda University, Japan and received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Syracuse University, NY. While he was a graduate student, he was involved in the BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) project at NIH.